Beyond Polarity: The Potential Applications and Impacts of Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection


  • Murteza Hanoon Tuama Department of Computer Techniques Engineering, Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC), Iraq
  • Wahhab Muslim Mashloosh Department of Computer Techniques Engineering, Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC), Iraq
  • Hayder M. Albehadili Missan Oil Company, Maysan, Iraq
  • Murtadha Alazzawi Imam Alkadhum College
  • Mahmood A. Al-shareeda National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia


Natural Language Processing, LSTM, RNN, Sentiment Analysis, Contextual Language, Emotion Detection, Deep learning


Opinion mining and emotion detection are two important techniques in natural language processing that have gained significant attention in recent years. Opinion mining is the process of identifying and extracting subjective information from text, such as opinions, attitudes, and emotions, while emotion detection is the process of identifying and extracting emotions from text. These techniques have a wide range of applications in various domains, including social media analysis, customer feedback analysis, and product reviews. This paper provides an overview of opinion mining and emotion detection techniques in natural language processing. We discuss the various approaches and methods used in opinion mining and emotion detection, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing techniques. We also explore the challenges and limitations of these techniques, including the subjectivity of language, cultural differences, and the lack of labeled data. Furthermore, we examine the current state of the art in opinion mining and emotion detection, highlighting recent research and developments in these areas. We also discuss the potential applications of these techniques in various domains, including marketing, healthcare, and social media analysis. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of opinion mining and emotion detection in natural language processing. It provides insights into the methods, challenges, and potential applications of these techniques, and highlights the importance of these techniques in understanding and analyzing subjective information in text.


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How to Cite

Tuama, M. H., Mashloosh, W. M., Albehadili, H. M., Alazzawi, M., & Al-shareeda, M. A. (2023). Beyond Polarity: The Potential Applications and Impacts of Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection. AlKadhim Journal for Computer Science, 1(2), 44–51.