Enhancement the Security by Creating Ontology-Based Trust Management Using Semantic Web Tools
Trust Management (TM), Ontology; Semantic Web (SW), Web Ontology language (OWL)Abstract
The most traditional policy models which do not consider dynamic nature of distribute systems and the limitation in addressing issues like adaptability, extensibility, and reasoning over security policies. The main cause of the flexibility and scalability issues in the environments of the Internet and dynamic networks is that there is no central control over the environments, and users are not predetermined. As a result, security and trust issues become critical in the various systems; enhancing the security of these environments would require adding trust to the existing security infrastructures. Few trust models have taken into account the semantic relationship for pervasive elements, despite the fact that numerous models have been proposed to address trust issues in dynamic environments; especially those who related to trust categories. In our work, we solve issues resulted from security and tracking the dynamics of participating communication devices in dynamic distributed networks. Through using ontology for trust management which it is define vocabularies used to described and represented an area of knowledge. For representation, we used semantic web's tools to represent the domain of the dynamic environment and we improv that the reasoning succusses in inference the trusted device and user exactly where we do query.
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