Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Countering Side-Channel Attacks in Cryptographic Systems


  • israa akram fadhil alzuabidi university of baghdad


Machine Learning, Side Channel, SVM Counter Measures Cryptography, Attack, Counter Measures, Cryptography


The use of machine learning algorithms in order to, not only, detect the adversarial intend behind side-channel attacks on cryptographic systems, but also to resist Differential Power Analysis (DPA) attacks. In particular, with the help of the DPA Challenge Dataset containing power traces of AES encryption operations, we propose a detailed step-by-step approach that includes data acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, and model assessment. The pre-processing includes noise reduction, normalization and segmental processing of the collected data for which basic statistical and frequency domain analysis can be used for extraction of relevant features. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are then trained and tested in order to classify and in turn predict attack scenarios as per the subsequently derived features. As the outcome of the result pages show, the SVM model successfully classifies attack and non-attack traces at a rate of 88% on the validation set, which underlines the usage of machine learning to boost cryptographic security. Investigation of the feature relevance demonstrates that frequency-domain features, namely FFT coefficients are most impactful. The findings of this research prove that machine learning can be useful in preventing side-channel attacks apart from providing valuable information on enhancing the understanding of different defenses in cryptographic systems as well as future development of this domain.


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How to Cite

alzuabidi, israa akram fadhil. (2024). Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Countering Side-Channel Attacks in Cryptographic Systems. AlKadhim Journal for Computer Science, 2(3), 1–9.



Computer Science