Transmission of High Data Rate Signals over Low-Frequency Passbands Using (DSSS-BPSK) Technique
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum، DSSS، Binary Phase-Shift Keying، High Data Rate Transmission، Low-Frequency Passbands، Encryption Complexityالملخص
This study presents an enhancement to the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) algorithm aimed at transmitting high data rate signals over low-frequency passbands. By utilizing a random number to generate a new encryption key, the complexity of both encryption and decryption processes is significantly increased. The original signal undergoes multiplication with a spreading code, resulting in a random matrix that obscures the original data and enhances security. The research employs Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation to effectively transmit the spread signal, optimizing bandwidth utilization and mitigating channel impairments. Simulation results conducted using MATLAB demonstrate that the proposed DSSS method achieves low Bit Error Rates (BER) under various conditions, confirming its robustness against interference. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the combination of high data rate transmission and low-frequency passbands using DSSS has promising applications in diverse fields such as industrial automation, remote sensing, and military communications. Overall, this research contributes to advancing secure and efficient communication systems by leveraging DSSS techniques.
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كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 hayder A. Naser, Khduer Essam Ahmed, Hadi R. Ali, Mohammed Zorah (Author)
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